Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Faithful and possibly one of the few who read the contents herein! To you, I thank!

C elestial, it's true and you already knew
E verlasting love is possessed by this maiden
L uscious are her curvaceous pronouns
E xecution of cakes and other fine dining items
S equin sensation she would look good in
T ender are her eyes of eternal bliss
E veryday I love her.

The End.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Feast upon this piece of photogenic.

Viewers, now that I know you are there, atleast Melinda, I have posted my most recent excited event... I call it, "Photo Shop with Natalie Wilson", I call it that because it is it's rightful name. And if anyone knows how to "unlink" my sentences, do tell.  

Oh CUUuuuUUUUttttTe!

Natalie and Ashley go emo and become Unique Natalie Rain Disaster and Asphalt Ashley Xanderwrists. 

Natalie goes Jay Leno, which I actually like. 

I go ultra nostrily. 

My finest and most proud feature, my shnoge'. 

And now we have chubby checks that are just too cute and so pinchable. And that is all, may no future employer ever, EVER see this blog. Over and out.  

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Virginia, and other states in between.

The very first picture taken of our journey east!
Celeste and I found some suhweet do-rags at a gas station in the middle of no-where.
My gang sign, it means, "watch out, or else!"
Celeste's gang sign means "peace"
Are you checking out the skulls on that do-rag? I am sure am.
I love this one of Celeste, look at the pain in them eyes... it tells a story.
A proper woman. 
Pulled over in Colorado. Total cost of surpassing speed limit = $162.19. My donation to the great state of Colorado. I am not donating ever again. 
That is the crazy undercover cop. That sneeky sneeky man.
Who knew?! 
Little houses on the prairies really do still exist!
Chinese food that was an experience. 
Best part is the fortune cookies!
Brazier?! Enough said. 
I think we saw over 30 signs for fireworks. Maybe like 100.
Is this were we got lost?
Might Midget Kitchen. Is that politically correct?
In the Leesburg.
Charming. Piece of woven antique.
My head is apparently way bigger than their heads were in the olden days. Not even close. 
We are resourceful woman indeed. 
We bought three different kinds of pies: sour cherry, blackberry, pecan pie and maybe another? It is all the blissful sugary blur.
Love the ceiling! Love that Celeste!
How true that is. 
We totally connected with Julia Childs.
Celeste's new best friend in spirit. 
The fountain of youth.
Super fine!
We are in DC! And it was a lovely trip! Love it! Love it! Love it!